Trainee Scheme
As a registered AAT, ACA, ICAEW and ACCA training office we offer trainees all the benefits of working in a team environment with equal opportunities for training and varied long-term career prospects.
Our students are able to benefit from secondments to other departments allowing them to gain a greater understanding of our varied service offering. Our aim is to help you define your own career path and provide you with the opportunity to gain valuable experience in a professional services environment.
We offer a comprehensive study and work experience programme using a specialist firm of tutors to provide you with a classroom and home-study programme. You will be assigned a Student Counsellor to support you during your studies and a workplace training mentor to assist and support you with your training.
During your training we will pay for the costs of your professional studies including training courses, manuals, textbooks and examination fees and you will receive full pay whilst attending training courses and examinations, in addition to your four weeks annual holiday.
Once you qualify, you can look forward to exciting career prospects. Take a look at the case study from one of our Directors, James Flood, who has experienced the benefits of our Trainee Scheme. Why not watch the video.
Our Vacancies
Keep me posted
If you wish to be notified of a new trainee position at HWB please email for the attention of Shelley Harding.
The HWBulletin
Our HWBulletins cover a range of subjects, including some of the services that we offer and an update of the recent changes that have, or will take place. If you would like to meet to discuss anything in the bulletin, or there is a particular article that interests you, please contact us on 023 8046 1200 or email and we will be pleased to provide further information.
Read latest issue.