New Forest


Accountants HWB strengthen registered auditor team

Hampshire accountancy and business advice firm HWB Chartered Accountants has strengthened its team of registered auditors.

The Chandler’s Ford-based practice now has six ‘Responsible Individuals’, or RIs on the board of directors covering audit services for clients.

This is one of the largest proportions of RIs for a professional services firm of its size in the south.

HWB’s audit capacity has been bolstered by Associate Director Matt Cooper, who has joined fellow RIs Michaela Johns, James Flood, Gary Brown, Tom Young and Alan Williams.

Michaela said the strength and depth of knowledge in the team was pivotal to attracting more audit work, particularly among owner-managed businesses, charities and businesses regulated by bodies such as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).

“Having so many RIs strengthens our ability to provide the audit services our clients need and within the timescales they want. It requires the right experience and qualifications,” said Michaela. “Auditing is essential for financial discipline, ensuring internal processes are robust and effective in managing risks, and satisfying the requirements of investors, lenders, potential buyers and regulators.”

Matt was promoted from a Business Advisor to the more strategic role of Associate Director last year having been with HWB since 2014.

He said: “Our strong team of RIs is a reflection of HWB’s investment in the success of its team members, with James, Tom and I all being promoted from within and gaining our RI status within the last few years.”

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