Extension of filing deadlines
At the time of writing HMRC has not announced any extension of the deadline of 6 July 2021 for filing annual returns of expenses and benefits (forms P11D) or the annual return of employment related securities.
Similarly, the deadline for submitting PSA computations and for entering into a new PSA, where appropriate, has not changed. HMRC has, however, announced a concession for employers that wish to add coronavirus related items of expenditure to their existing PSA for 2020/21 where these costs are not covered by an existing or temporary exemption. Rather than follow the normal process of requesting a new PSA agreement (Form P626), HMRC has announced that it will add an appendix to an existing PSA agreement if the employer emails them at lbs.compliance@hmrc.gov.uk with details.
HMRC has also recognised that the pandemic has had an impact on internationally mobile employees and has agreed to extend the filing deadline for reports and payroll reporting for employees coming to or leaving the UK, including the annual short term business visitor return from 31 May 2021 to 30 June 2021.
For further information on deadline extensions, please contact Michaela Johns on 023 8046 1256.