New Forest


New company loss rules to go ahead

As a result of the first Finance Act being rushed through due to the snap General Election, the legislation to introduce the new company loss relief rules were dropped. This led to considerable uncertainty as to the start date of the new rules but it has now been confirmed that the new rules will apply from 1 April 2017 after all.

So if your company diversifies into a new business activity the losses incurred after 1 April 2017 can be carried forward and set off against future profits of the whole business, including existing trades. Previously such losses would have been ring fenced against future profits of the activity that incurred the losses.

There are new restrictions for companies and groups with profits in excess of £5 million and also changes to the set off of losses within a group.

We can of course assist you in ensuring that relief for losses is obtained in the most beneficial way.

For further information on company loss relief, please contact Tracy Jenkins on 023 8046 1202.

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