New Forest


Revised Fundraising Code of Practice published

In June the Fundraising Regulator published an improved Code of Fundraising Practice that is effective across the UK from 1 October 2019.

The changes are designed to make it easier for fundraisers, charities and third-party organisations to understand the standards expected of them when fundraising. It has also been designed to make it easier for the public to use so that they can know what to expect from ethical fundraising.

The changes to the Code of Practice include:

  • a new three-part structure for better navigation, making it easier to know which standards apply depending on the type of fundraising being undertaken
  • greater clarity about the legal differences between England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
  • adding the rulebooks and legal appendices to the former code to provide a ‘one-stop shop’ by having all the standards in one place
  • revised jargon-free language that provides greater transparency

You can see the full guidance here

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