New Forest


Revitalising Trusts Programme

Many charities can find themselves in the enviable position of having excessive reserves, but this can be an indication that they are struggling to fully utilise their resources in carrying out their charitable objectives. The Charity Commission has joined forces with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and the UK Community Foundations to form the Revitalising Trusts programme that seeks to help charities that find it difficult to spend their income on the public benefit.

Help is available from the programme for charities that find it hard to identify beneficiaries, spend their income, or struggle to recruit new trustees and find the time to run the charity. The solution could be to change to the objectives of the charity to enable it to work more effectively, or ultimately to close down the charity and transfer its assets to an alternative charity.

For guidance on how to get help to revitalise your trust, visit the government website.

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